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태국여행 파타야 돌핀아리움 물개쇼 돌고래쇼

by Yeongsik_Im 2024. 2. 10.

태국여행 중 파타야 돌핀아리움에서 관람하는 돌핀쇼의 정식 명칭은 "Dolphin and Seal Show' 돌고래와 물개쇼 입니다. 물개쇼가 먼저 시작되고 돌고래소가 이어집니다. 관람시간은 약 50분 정도입니다.

관람료는 일반석은 600 THB(어린이 90-120cm 480) THB, 디럭스석 800 THB (어린이 640 THB), VIP석 1100 THB(어린이 90-120cm 880)입니다.

매주 수요일을 제외하고 매일 운영하며 쇼타임은 11:00, 14:00 와 17:00 이며 돌고래와 함께 수영을 할 수 있는 스위밍타임은 12:00, 15:00 와 18:00 입니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 링크한 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

돌핀아리움 돌핀쇼 입장 티켓





물개쇼 진행자 Evgeny Chabanovsky

I was born and raised near Odessa. As a child, I loved dogs very much, but I never thought that I would later connect my life with animals, especially with smart, significant and graceful dolphins.

I have always been interested in sports and active recreation. So working at a dolphinarium allows me to combine activity, sports, and an immense love for animals. Already in my teens, I first went to a dolphin show, where I was simply amazed at how, at first glance, light people communicated with these beautiful water giants. And I was lucky enough to meet marine mammal trainers, who invited me for an internship. And after I tried myself in this profession, I immediately decided that this was mine.

At the dolphinarium, I not only acquired a profession of my soul, but also met the guys who became my true friends.

물래쇼 엔딩 장면



태국 파타야 돌고래쇼

돌고래쇼 진행 Ivan Panaid & Anastasiia Kunchych

Ivan Panaid

I was born and raised in Odessa. I have always been fond of sports, swimming, and outdoor activities. Living in a city close to the sea, it is not uncommon to see a flock of dolphins swimming past the coast. I have always been attracted to these animals for their beauty, speed, agility, and playfulness. Knowing that there is a dolphinarium in Odessa, I went on an internship. Thanks to my enthusiasm, hard work, respect, and love for dolphins, as well as good physical fitness, I got a position in the dolphinarium. The happiest moments of my life are associated with this work. I have the opportunity to be close to wonderful animals and improve my communication skills with them daily.

Anastasiia Kunchych

I was born and raised in Kyiv. Since childhood, I loved to bring into the house animals found on the street - kittens, puppies, and chicks. My parents thought that I would become a veterinarian. Fate decreed otherwise, and at the age of 19, I went to Odessa to visit relatives who worked in a dolphinarium at that time. Since then my life has changed forever. I realized that apart from working with marine mammals, nothing else fascinates or pleases me. After moving to Odessa, my fate is inextricably linked with dolphins and fur seals. I graduated from the Faculty of Hydrobiology of the Biological University in order to fully understand the physiology and needs of my beloved animals. During my work in the dolphinarium, I visited many countries and met interesting people who shared with me their experience and knowledge in the field of keeping, psychology, and veterinary medicine of marine mammals.

Ivan Panaid
Anastasiia Kunchych

Do you want to return to your childhood again and truly enjoy everything that is happening around you? Then the show at the dolphinarium is a great choice in order to have fun. Welcome to our unique marine mammal show! An exclusive program of performances of dolphins and seals and communication with these amazing animals will charge you with positive emotions for many days to come. And it’s hard to describe how happy your children will be! Be sure to visit the show at the dolphinarium, and believe us – you will definitely come to us more than once!

It is very easy to buy tickets for the dolphin show! You can do it online

파타야 돌핀아리움 홈페이지 https://pattayadolphinarium.com/


Pattaya Dolphinarium - Dolphinarium

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